Research Centre for Contextual Studies and Literary Translation Studies


The cooperative research conducted within the framework of the center aims to promote the integration of the scholarly community around selected research areas, including:

– empirical studies of literary translation as a medium for the international, transcontinental and transcultural transmission of styles, forms, themes and ideas;

– theoretical and methodological reflection on the epistemic value of historically oriented translation and contextual studies;

– presenting Polish literature as open to a historically oriented process of international / intercultural contacts not only in unidirectional, but also bidirectional or multi-directional dialogue with other literatures and forms of linguistic thinking and expression;

– research that confronts the translation theory of translators with their practice, as well as earlier and the latest developments in translation studies and criticism;

– research on the translations of scholarly / scientific texts combined with translation practice in this area;

– synchronic and diachronic study of contextual relations (filiation, homology and analogy) preceded by their identification in literary works;

– contextual studies focused on multifaceted literary genres, in which considerations of a epistemic nature are embodied;

– cross-epochal and intercultural contextual research;

– conducting of research on multilingual literary practices across space and time taking into account the historical context.

Scholarly activities within the framework of the center are conducted primarily by scholars dealing with translation issues relating both to the rendering of Polish literature into foreign languages as well as translations from other linguistic regions into Polish; and secondly, by researchers interested in historically oriented contextual literary studies (including among others, of the relations between literature and philosophy).


dr hab. Żaneta Nalewajk-Turecka


– prof. dr hab. Irina Adelgejm (RAN, Russia)

– prof. dr hab. Olga Kubińska (IAiA UG)

– prof. Jonathan Lavery (prof. Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada)

– prof. dr hab. Piotr Mitzner (UKSW)

– dr hab. Olaf Krysowski, prof. UW

– dr hab. Marta Kaźmierczak (ILS UW)

– dr hab. Żaneta Nalewajk -Turecka (ILP UW) – Director of the center

– dr hab. Dawid Maria Osiński (ILP UW)

– dr. Marta Falkowska (IJP UW)

– dr. Marcin Leszczyński (ILP UW)

– PhD Jakub Marek (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)

– dr. Ewangelina Skalińska (UKSW)

– dr. Martin Czardybon (ILP UW)

– MA Valérie Roberge (Université Laval, Quebec, Canada)

– MPhil Thomas Starky (ILP UW)

– mgr Magdalena Ukrainets (ILP UW)


Uniwersytet Warszawski
Instytut Literatury Polskiej
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
00-927 Warszawa

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